From the first days...

This morning, Facebook reminded me of Pu Luong Jungle Lodge back then and now. Four years, not too long, not too short, many familiar faces have changed, those months and days, those people, those events, what were they brewing, what were they preparing, what were they whispering!

Facebook is truly amazing. In the past, if you wanted to remember something or revisit something, you had to dig, excavate, sift through old documents, study legends, ancient texts... Now, everything is still here, people's lives are still here... Facebook even stores those baby pictures taken at birth, those messages typed and hesitated to send, those photos taken and then deleted, those sentences lingering on the keyboard..

Today, Pu Luong Jungle Lodge asks for a moment to reminisce about those early days.

Everything that makes Pu Luong Jungle Lodge what it is today is the result of relentless effort, endless perseverance over the years. I believe that all of it is a gift, and we should be patient and grateful. Life isn't always rosy. There will be days when you wake up and see the sky impossibly blue, but your heart is still heavy with sorrow. There will also be days when you want to pack up and run away. That's life, and that's Pu Luong Jungle Lodge for us. In the left corner of the chest, when the heart is still beating, when the flesh is still warm, it's because there are beautiful days ahead that we must always strive for.